Im excited to launch my first Kickstarter for an idea called ‘THE MELBOURNE JACKET’
The Melbourne Jacket is a concept jacket that combines 4-seasons worth of clothing into one super-garment so the wearer can survive Melbourne’s crazy 4 seasons in one day weather. And I need Melbourne’s help to make the idea a reality.
It’s my next major project after 'STRAYA CASH' and I’m so stoked to see that Melbournians have started making pledges towards the funding goal and a ground swell of discussion about the jacket’s design has begun.
The idea came to me after catching the 96 tram across the city one day.
I got on in complete sunshine, only to get off a short time later into a torrential thunderstorm. Caught wearing t-shirt and thongs got completely drenched on my short sprint home. It wasn't the first time this had happened and I started thinking about dressing for the erratic weather in ‘Australia’s fashion capital’
Melbournians love to hate the ‘Melbourne’ weather. Whenever the weather shifts from a sunny, 30 degree day, to torrential thunder storm in 15 minutes, we scold it like it’s self aware. We refer to it like it’s the class clown pulling a prank again.
Classic Melbourne hour
Some say it’s just a superstition, and it’s the same as everywhere else, but I have found nothing to support this claim during my research for this idea.
Truth is, the crazy weather gives Melbournians a sense of place. It’s a cornerstone of many riveting small talk conversations. We warn visitors to the city about. There’s even a meme page dedicated solely to the subject. Try and compile a list of things about Melbourne. The notorious weather would sit top 5 on most people’s lists.
I wanted to create something that would symbolise Melbourne affinity with the skies, that all Melbourians can relate to. I’ve present it in a tongue kind of way, because, like most Australians we like to have laugh at ourselves from time to time, and not take ourselves too seriously.
But don’t be confused. THIS PROJECT IS REAL. The Melbourne Jacket will be made if it reaches it’s crowdfunding goal.
Anyway, enough about the weather. Let’s take a look at the jacket.
The Melbourne Jacket is packed with features that allows the wearer to change the jacket as quickly as Melbourne’s weather does. It has the ability to transform from a regular looking jacket, into a singlet when it the mercury rises, or into something that resembles a full body storm suit when a random monsoon hits the city.
The Melbourne Jacket design mood board.
Despite the novel aspects in this idea, I see the jacket’s design looking quite cool. It will have similar style to streetwear label Supreme, coupled with the utility of products from brands such as Kathmandu or The North Face. It should fit seamlessly into the laneways of ‘Australia’s fashion capital’.
Crowdfunding ideas isn't solely about getting the ‘thing’ at the end. As a trade off for your financial support, a creator will often give updates during the production of the idea. This fly on the wall experience is usually exciting and worth far more in entertainment value, than the dollar amount you pledged in the first place.
I’m not only asking Melbourne to financially support The Melbourne Jacket, I'm giving them the chance to watch something interesting get made. It shocked me how people didn't know what crowd funding was, and I hope this project introduces some to the crowdfunding process for the first time.
Most of what you see in this Kickstarter campaign was created my me. I really stretched my skills for this one. From the concept development, research, creating the branding for the jacket, designing the graphics, drawing the feature illustrations, photoshopping the realistic ‘photosketches’, presenting the idea on film, the editing and all post production work on the video.
I did reached out to two of my creative peers to help out too. Director Daniel Dunn, who shot this video with me all around Melbourne. Artist and digital designer Ryan Blerblerio animation and gif work, really brought my illustrations to life.
Filmed in locations around Melbourne.
Even in the wet.
Once the funds are raised, I will collaborate with local fashion designers, manufactures, directors, photographers and models to bring the jacket and the film about it into reality.
Get your name, or business name on the jacket
Melbourne Jacket t-shirt reward.
This isn't a regular Kickstarter. Normally a full working prototype is created first and Kickstarter is used to create the capital needed to bring the prototype into mass production with an aim for commercial success for the creator.
The Melbourne Jacket takes a different approach, by taking it back one step and funding the ‘idea’ to ‘final design’ phase. I’m not in this for financial gain, just to make the best jacket possible. I have done this for 3 main reasons:
Making a sample of a jacket like this is expensive and I didn’t want to make a dodgy version of it on the cheap.
Every person I bounced the initial idea off had their own idea for a feature that could go into the Melbourne Jacket. By presenting the Melbourne Jacket in concept form, I wouldn't be locking myself into a design for Melbourne, without Melbourne’s input.
I wanted Melbourne to have the final say in weather it gets made or not.
Once The Melbourne Jacket is made. The privilege of ordering an edition of the final design will only be extended to individuals, companies or organisations who backed the Kickstarter campaign to make it happen.
There are also a few awards for pledging to the campaign including getting your name on the jacket itself or a 'I left my Melbourne Jacket at home' t-shirt.
This idea is part ironic, part ‘ideas man Dale’ and part serious fashion item. It should be able to sitting in an shared on a meme page, displayed in an art gallery or hang on a rack in a boutique somewhere down little finder st. Most importantly, the idea should be enjoyed (or hated) by the people of Melbourne.
This crowdfunding campaign will end on WEDNESDAY, THE 26th OF APRIL 26, 2017. So if you are an individual, brand or organisation from Melbourne. Back this